Do you sometimes feel alone in motherhood?
Have you tried to find a meaningful mom support group, but nothing really seems to fit?
Would you like to meet like-minded moms to connect with and learn proven, reliable parenting advice?
Motherhood Is Lonely
Becoming a mother is one of the most amazing journeys we can take in life.
Still, it is also extremely isolating and overwhelming at times.
Our children do not come with a manual and while there are a lot of great parenting resources out there, many moms are too busy and don’t have the energy to pick up a book and read how to handle difficult parenting situations.
Other moms may read a book or search the internet, but they may find so much information that they end up applying too many strategies, which can confuse their child and leave them feeling ineffective.
On top of all the overwhelm and confusion when it comes to parenting, many moms also struggle with the day to day monotony of motherhood.
Of course, you love to be with your children, that is the best part of being a mom, but it’s normal to also feel isolated and alone at times.
As women, we need connections.
Women Need to Connect
We thrive when we relate to other women.
Sharing, expressing, normalizing, supporting, that is what women need from one another.
We were not meant to be alone on this journey, figuring everything out on our own.
We were meant to be living in villages and tribes where the “collective group” helps each other out!
Unfortunately, that is not how we live anymore. We are more isolated, live further from family, and have busy lives.
But it’s time to recreate your own village or tribe.
It’s time to find a group of women who will help you, coach you, hug you, support you, and make you laugh.
My Mom Group
Since becoming a mom myself, I have found that I am at my best after I’ve had some time with other moms. Just talking about motherhood, sharing what I’ve been dealing with at home, and hearing how other women cope with parenting, marriage, and life helps!
I feel renewed at the end of a good girls sesh, and have realized that time with “my tribe” needs to be a regular occurrence in my schedule.
First Time Mom Stress
When my oldest son was born, I joined a mommy and me group at The New Mom School. I wanted to meet other moms who were going through the same newborn challenges.
That group was amazing!
Not only did I receive valuable information and support, but I created meaningful relationships with other moms.
Working With New Parents
Once my son was a little older, I began speaking to the moms at The New Mom School about how to keep a marriage healthy after a baby is born.
Speaking regularly to new moms has been a wonderful addition to my clinical work.
I love providing new moms with resources, tools, and encouragement.
It means so much to me to have an opportunity to help new families not only get through the tough phases but thrive!
At the same time that I began speaking to The New Mom School, my private practice began receiving more and more referrals from new moms and couples with young children.
With a background in adult love relationships, attachment (infant and adult), and early childhood development, this felt like the perfect blend for me.
I love empowering women and improving their lives and relationships, and I am extremely passionate about helping couples, and thus, their family’s children succeed.
The only problem I have run into is that there are not enough moms groups out there.
Yes, counseling can be helpful and necessary for some, but many moms want/need to connect and have their feelings normalized. They also want tips, tools, and assistance in dealing with parenthood struggles, and they crave being around other moms.
That is where South County Moms comes in.
South County Moms
South County Moms is a supportive, non-judgemental weekly group for mothers with young children (toddlers and preschoolers) who:
- are looking to meet other local moms
- want to receive clear and reliable parenting advice
- need help dealing with child discipline
- want to feel like they belong
If you’ve been searching for a mom’s group in South Orange County and have young children, this is the perfect group for you.
Our 8-week group will not only support you in all the challenges your facing as a mom and wife, but will help also build up your support system.
South County Moms is a semi-structured 8-week mother support group based around the age of your child.
Over the eight weeks, a variety of topics related to motherhood and parenthood will be addressed and discussed.
Each weekly mom group lasts 80 minutes with the beginning of group providing education and tools, leaving the rest of the group open for discussion on the topic. The purpose of the South County Moms group is to encourage moms to feel empowered and empower others.
While we all know that there is an abundance of fantastic parenting information and advice out there, every parent also realizes that every child is different. What may work for one person may not work for another. Learning from each other, having a place to talk about your struggles and more importantly your successes, passing along resources, tips and tools, and just knowing there is a tribe for you to turn to can make a significant impact in your life and relationship with your family.
South County Moms Group Breakdown:
- 8 consecutive groups that meet for 80 minutes per week
- Moms are grouped by the age of their child/children
- (Toddler 14 months – 2.3 years, Preschool 2.3 – 4 years)
- Weekly topics with education, tips, and tools, and plenty of time for questions and discussion
Topics Included During Mom Group Meetings: (topics may vary depending on the age of the children)
- The importance of taking care of you so you can take care of everyone else
- The value of friendships (both for mom and kids)
- Tips and tools related to child discipline and managing behaviors
- Understanding age-appropriate behaviors
- Managing and fostering sibling relationships
- School readiness and challenges
- Your marriage and how to keep it healthy through parenthood
If you’ve wanted to meet other moms in South County and feel like you could learn how to keep your sanity during this fantastic journey of #motherhood, it’s time for you to join South County Moms.