The Unhappily Married Marriage Shrink!
That was me!!
I was the MARRIAGE PSYCHOLOGIST, successfully helping hundreds of women find happiness in life, love, and motherhood, but feeling unhappy, disconnected, and dissatisfied in my marriage after our first son was born.
Hi! I’m Dr. Meredith
Wife, mom of three, psychologist, and all-around LOVE ENTHUSIAST, and trust me when I say, I have been in your shoes!
I have fought with my husband about golf, basketball, work trips, diapers, laundry, feedings, and so much more.
I have felt like he doesn’t get it, get me, hear me, understand me, or even care.
I have wondered if having a baby together was the right decision, if we would make it as a couple, and if our love would be strong enough.
I have had ALL of the thoughts!
And I have been to the dark places that your mind goes to in the middle of the night when your husband is sleeping peacefully and you’re up (again!) with the baby.
But after a few months of feeling resentful and lonely, I realized that it was time to make a change. I knew our relationship had to improve, so instead of waiting and hoping for our marriage to get better, I took action.
I turned to the research and started applying the skills I used with my clients to my marriage. I started focusing on what was working in our relationship, what I loved about my husband, apologizing, expressing my feelings, and utilizing effective communication tools, and my husband followed suit!
Within months, our relationship started to improve. Taking action lifted the dark clouds hovering above us and we began to find a new rhythm as a couple and as parents.
Looking back, I can see that the small changes we made are what strengthened our trust in each other, helped us mature as individuals and partners, and increased our happiness and satisfaction in life, love, and as parents.
Today, juggling marriage and motherhood is much more complicated (#momofthree), but our marriage is stronger than it was before we had children.
Of course, we still hit bumps along the road, but arguments (big or small) don’t unravel us. My husband and I have the tools we need to navigate tough times (#quarantinelife), and have also realized that the struggle is what helps make us better.
I mean if you think about it, marriage isn’t supposed to be perfect or argument-free…
Marriage is supposed to help two people become better versions of themselves through love.
Is your marriage bringing out the best in YOU?

It’s not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Couples who laugh
together, last together.
-Dr. John Gottman

Is It Time To Make a Change?
If you’re tired of feeling lonely, hurt, angry, or sad it’s time to take action!
You don’t have to feel annoyed every time your husband responds to a work email, irritated when he comes home late from work, or disappointed when he plays golf on the weekend.
It is possible to enjoy one another, laugh together, prioritize time together, resolve arguments, and actually enjoy sex again!